Monday, May 24, 2010

My Poem for Home Learning

I thought I knew,
This just doesn't feel right,
Without You

I tried so hard,
I miss that voice.
Should I erase these memories from my heart?
The times we enjoyed

All the good times we had,
are gone just like that
Just like a beginning,
coming to an end

I didn't know
that I would miss it this much.
As we grow old,
I hope it remains as such

I hope to see you and your face again,
but you can't pull the brakes on a runaway train

So I guess this is goodbye,
from the times i ever said Hi

(Missing my primary school life)

Home Learning- Poem Analysis

The poem is all over the place, with all sorts of different things happening. From the poem, we can see that the poet did not enjoy his school days much. He was quite frustrated, finding it hard to keep his shoes white, the fact that crows tried to interrupt them when they sang the National Anthem and when they took a photograph of him with his eyes closed.
The poet always had the impression that the scouts were hardworking and special. The poet was probably happy and laughed when he recalled that his best friend shaded all A's for their Chinese Paper. The poet has memories of Chinese New Year celebrations as well.

I think given a choice, the poet would choose not to return to school.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

How did you spend your Mother's Day. I woke up to a sunny Sunday morning, headed for soccer training from 8-10 before having my lunch with my mum. To tell you the truth, I wasn't quite sure if it was Mother's Day. Then I heard the radio talking about Mother's Day and i was like oh Shoot! Luckily, my sister got it covered. She had a card and I wrote a short note to my mum. Sorry mum, I'll make sure next year's Mother's day is extra special for you. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Term 2

We are currently at Week 7 of Term 2. It's not long before the holidays and the remainder of the term seems to be packed with fun activities. We just have one Math test remaining!

Next Friday will be Sport's Day and I'll be running 4x100m with fellow classmates Jack,Yu Xiang and Zi Han. We hope to win gold :P . After Sports Day, our form teacher will be taking the class to have Indian food as part of our current english topic.

Week 9 is sabbatical week which will be full of fun instead of studying.

Can't wait for the holidays to come!