Monday, May 24, 2010

My Poem for Home Learning

I thought I knew,
This just doesn't feel right,
Without You

I tried so hard,
I miss that voice.
Should I erase these memories from my heart?
The times we enjoyed

All the good times we had,
are gone just like that
Just like a beginning,
coming to an end

I didn't know
that I would miss it this much.
As we grow old,
I hope it remains as such

I hope to see you and your face again,
but you can't pull the brakes on a runaway train

So I guess this is goodbye,
from the times i ever said Hi

(Missing my primary school life)


Jie Han said...

This would be more perfect if you send it to your girlfriend. Okay, just kidding. But nice poem..

KANG JUN YI said...

I agree with what Jie Han had said. It sounds more for your lover that you will soon be leaving. But good poem anyways, very creative. Good job!

Wei Jin said...

DISAGREE and a HALF. It can be given to your best friend or your girlfriend. Anyways, not a bad job for a first timer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kevyn

Good attempt,pretty well written for a first timer. Try sending it out for a poem contest. Who knows you might win something & boost your morale. Keep on writing!!